Saturday, September 8, 2012


"Cheese is the devil's plaything." House, M.D.

Going to the gym after breakfast today. Wanted to seriously pig out last night, but didn't. I did have a sugar-free slurpee and a little extra wine, but I don't care because I could have seriously binged.

My dieting tip of the day: If I'm eating pizza (which I generally don't because I think bread is pretty bad for you, but sometimes I get stuck eating it at someone's house), rip off the cheese. Most people don't just top their pizza with veggies, they add cheese, fatty meats, and sometimes more cheese. If I rip the toppings off and limit myself to a slice or two, I'll save a ton of calories.

Sometimes people think this is a little strange, but I usually just tell them I'm sensitive to dairy if they ask. Most pizza is loaded up with way too many calories.

(4 out of 5 skinny alcoholics agree that you can eliminate around a bajllion calories by ripping the toppings off of this mofo)

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