Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Late Weigh-In

Last Sunday I was 127 at my weigh-in. Yaaay. I’m hoping to be 126 (or preferably less) this Sunday, but we will see.

I’m having trouble balancing school, work, exercise, and getting enough sleep. You’re never too busy for portion control though!

The plan is still to get to 120 and see how I feel. I was 116 before, but I was doing a lot more cardio than weights then, so I don’t know if that’s realistic with extra muscle mass. I dropped down to about 113, but that was a bit too light. We’ll see. I’m just excited it’s coming off.

Today is also day 6 without booze.

I have come to the realization (for the millionth time) that I cannot drink every day and lose weight.

Even drinking just half a bottle of wine each day is too many empty calories and if I'm honest, with my tolerance I'm not even getting a buzz from it. I enjoy drinking and I don't plan to quit, but I think I'm going to quit for now.

Once I take the weight off, I'll see if it's something I can do in moderation, but I would really like to never return to drinking daily as it makes you FAT.

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