Thursday, September 13, 2012

High School Is Hell

“Everybody at school today: Omg it’s suicide awareness day you’re all so beautiful, nobody should have to go through that, I don’t understand how anybody could be made to feel like that.

Everybody at school normally: Ew she’s so fat 
Everybody at school normally: Why would you cut yourself lol emo 
Everybody at school normally: Oh you want to kill yourself? Attention seeker
Everybody at school normally: Stupid slut I hope you die 
Everybody at school normally: You’re ugly don’t even look at us”

This really has nothing to do with dieting, but I love it because it's so true. Also reminds me of the movie World's Greatest Dad and what a hivemind high school is.

In high school I was simultaneously invisible and horribly picked on (which sounds impossible, but that’s the best way I can think to describe it). Now I’m pretty happy though, so that’s what matters. Well, that and the fact that I’m thinner and more successful than most of them. 

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