Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lady Gaga Has Pudge Too

Generally, I’m not the kind of person who really gives a crap about celebrities or their habits. That said, I was really impressed with Lady Gaga’s body in her Bad Romance video a few years ago. She was super toned and had a really flat stomach. I figured she’s just naturally thin.

Yahoo News reported on a meat corset she wore today and included this photo:

I’ll be honest, the meat outfit really isn’t what catches my eye about this picture. She clearly has just as much trouble maintaining her super skinny physique as anybody else! In the land of "oh, I eat everything and just can't put on weight" celebrities, this makes me feel a little better.

Also, if you think it's just a bad angle, more pictures from the same concert are here. Her weight has also fluctuated in the past. 

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