Friday, September 21, 2012

Does anyone else just feel exhausted?

I’m so tired. I’m tired of not getting enough sleep. I’m tired of school. Tired of having no energy to work out. Tired of watching calories. Tired of being tired. I want to have the motivation to go, go, go right now, but I just don’t. I feel like I need a nap!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lady Gaga Has Pudge Too

Generally, I’m not the kind of person who really gives a crap about celebrities or their habits. That said, I was really impressed with Lady Gaga’s body in her Bad Romance video a few years ago. She was super toned and had a really flat stomach. I figured she’s just naturally thin.

Yahoo News reported on a meat corset she wore today and included this photo:

I’ll be honest, the meat outfit really isn’t what catches my eye about this picture. She clearly has just as much trouble maintaining her super skinny physique as anybody else! In the land of "oh, I eat everything and just can't put on weight" celebrities, this makes me feel a little better.

Also, if you think it's just a bad angle, more pictures from the same concert are here. Her weight has also fluctuated in the past. 

Late Weigh-In

Last Sunday I was 127 at my weigh-in. Yaaay. I’m hoping to be 126 (or preferably less) this Sunday, but we will see.

I’m having trouble balancing school, work, exercise, and getting enough sleep. You’re never too busy for portion control though!

The plan is still to get to 120 and see how I feel. I was 116 before, but I was doing a lot more cardio than weights then, so I don’t know if that’s realistic with extra muscle mass. I dropped down to about 113, but that was a bit too light. We’ll see. I’m just excited it’s coming off.

Today is also day 6 without booze.

I have come to the realization (for the millionth time) that I cannot drink every day and lose weight.

Even drinking just half a bottle of wine each day is too many empty calories and if I'm honest, with my tolerance I'm not even getting a buzz from it. I enjoy drinking and I don't plan to quit, but I think I'm going to quit for now.

Once I take the weight off, I'll see if it's something I can do in moderation, but I would really like to never return to drinking daily as it makes you FAT.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

On Disgusting Roommates

This has nothing to do with dieting or alcohol, but it was a rather noteworthy moment in my morning so I thought I'd share with the class.

I live in a house with another couple. They stay in the master bedroom and have a bathroom to themselves. My other half and I do not have a bathroom, but there is a bathroom near our room that we more or less think of as ours.

So, why was her period-stained bloody ass thong on my bathroom floor this morning? Other than the fact that she is disgusting, I'm very confused as to what the thought process leading up to this was.

It wasn't even really near the trash like she tried to toss them in and missed, it was just kind of on the rug.

Should I return it? Should I hang it on her doorknob? Should I leave it next to a spray bottle of OxiClean outside her door? She I ask her boyfriend if he thinks she'd like them back?

If for some reason you want to know exactly what I woke up to:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fuck You Harry Burnett Reese

I got trashed a little cavalier with my drinking last night, so I was worried I’d have trouble sticking to my diet today. Something about waking up with celery-puke in your hair right before work starts the day off on a weird foot.

But I hate myself. I had 3 peanut butter cups today (among other things). I don’t even eat candy. I seriously never buy candy (even as a treat) because it’s so horrible for you. 110 cals per cup.

I fucking hate having access to food at someone else’s house. I would never buy Reese’s cups for myself, but it’s like if they’re just there my fat evil twin takes over. I’m so irritated with myself. I’m going to be this size forever if I can’t stop indulging. I don’t even get that much pleasure out of food, I don’t know why I do this.

I miss my flat belly I had at 116 pounds so badly. And that’s not even my goal weight because I feel like it’s impossible I was ever so small.

On a more positive note: I started to have those “You already ruined your diet, might as well just eat evvvverrrrything” thoughts and I reminded myself how ridiculous that is and stopped. Had too many calories today, but whatever. At least it was a few hundred too many, not 1,500 too many.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Have you ever been so drunk...

You had to close one eye to see what's going on clearly.Like looking with both eyes makes things hard to see, but covering one eye makes things clear?

I was going to delete this, but maybe I'll leave it here as a reminder to myself that when you're covering one eye to see the TV clearly, the appropriate choice is going to bed, not having another glass.

In Defense of Franzia

I would like to step forward to defend Franzia boxed wine. For about 18 dollars you can get 5 liters of wine which amounts to 6.5 bottles at around 3 dollars a bottle (if my math is correct and it's possible that it is not because I'm on my way to being drunk).

I was re-watching Shameless season 2 the other night (if I'm perfectly honest, it's almost like watching it for the first time because I was under the influence when I initially saw it) and I noticed Fiona and Vi were daytime drinking and having FRANZIA out of plastic tumblers. My first thought was, hell yeah! I totally do this! My second thought: Okay, wait- You're trying to say people ONLY drink Franzia if they're poor and couldn't possibly afford anything else?

Franzia is a very decent alcoholic beverage to have while on a diet and as I said, it's dirt cheap.

Wine - Per 5 ounce servingCarbs (gm)*Calories (gm)*Sodium (gm)*Sugar (gm)*Fat (gm)*Protein (gm)*
Red Wines
Cabernet Sauvignon51057100
Chillable Red(1)101058700
Fruity Red Sangria(1)111105800
Blush Wines
White Zinfandel510511500
White Merlot511010400
Sunset Blush(1)7957500
White Grenache810512500
White Wines
Refreshing White(1)6908300
Crisp White(1)81058500
(1) Table Wine with Natural Flavors *Sulfite maximum is 200 mg/L for all types © 2008 Franzia Winery, Ripon, CA

Clearly, some of the varieties have a shitload of sugar in them. Run far, far away from the Shiraz or the Fruity Red Sangria. 10 grams of sugar? Yikes.

However: The Cabernet Sauvignon, the Merlot, and the Chardonnay have only ONE gram of sugar per 5 oz. serving and just 5 carbs. The Chardonnay is also 13% alcohol by volume and the Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon are both 12.5%.

I used to be a beer girl, but that stuff might as well be liquid bread. A 12 oz. Red Stripe has 153 calories & 14 grams of carbs. Even the low calorie beers suck. Beck's light, for example, has just 64 calories and 3.9 g carbs, but it's also less than 3.0% alcohol. Which means you'd have to drink approximately fifty bajillion of them to get a buzz.

I really shouldn't be drinking on a diet, but since I'm going to, Franzia is a pretty decent option. Some of the boxes recommend that you chill it, but if you don't have time I definitely recommend just pouring it over ice because that's how classy bitches do it.